After finishing the construction of the science lab at Kihembe Vocational Secondary School (KVSS) last month, as a team we wanted to keep the momentum going and start a new project as soon as possible. Therefore, at the end of last week we provided the funding to start work on the construction of a new three classroom block at the school.

The money we have sent will complete the construction of the first classroom and lay the foundations for all three classrooms. We hope that in the course of the next 12 months, we will acquire funding to complete the other two classroom blocks in a timely and efficient manner.
The new classroom block is significant in many respects. However, most excitingly and most importantly for the school, one of the new classrooms will serve as an IT lab and library. Thanks to the sub-county team who installed solar at the school in June, we now have a vital power source that gives us the opportunity to provide IT equipment for the first time.

Until recently, learners at the school have had to undertake practical science examinations without access to practical science equipment. The same is true for IT. How can you feasibly sit an IT exam without ever using a computer? It’s baffling but testament to the hard work of the students that many have passed these exams in spite of the obvious challenges that they face.
We hope that by the start of 2021, this situation will have changed. But we need your help. We have put the funding in place to construct the classroom, but we need your help to provide IT equipment. Through your generosity, we hope to acquire the following:
At least ten PCs or laptop computers, cleared of all passwords, personal information and files etc. to stock the IT lab.
At least one printer that can also serve as a photo copier and a stock of replacement ink cartridges.
Information books that can stock the library – these include encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, IT books, informative non-fiction works etc. Please note that we aren’t currently asking for novels.
Funding to buy a Microsoft office package for each PC.
Funding to ship the equipment over safely and securely.
We aren’t clear on exactly how much funding we need, but we estimate that it will cost approx. £1500 – £2000 to ship the equipment to Uganda and deliver to the village. Normally we like to buy the necessary equipment for our projects in Uganda, but given the cost of computer equipment we feel that this isn’t feasible for a charity of our size at this time. That’s why we are humbly asking for your help.

Many of us have spare PCs at home that we no longer use and some of us may have access to PCs or Laptops from work that are no longer needed due to new working from home instructions from our employers. If you think you can help us with this, then please send me an email – – and I will let you know how we are hoping to store and send the equipment.
Back to the project in hand – as you can see from the photos that are included in this post, work has already started on the new classroom and we’re thrilled with the progress that is being made at this early stage. On Tuesday of this week we held a commissioning at the site that was attended by the whole team, board members and local political leaders. It was a great day and one that encouraged us all about the future direction in which the school is heading.

The local radio station made an announcement about the work being done at the school yesterday and we hope that it will help us increase enrollment when schools reopen after the COVID-19 lockdown. We all recognise that we’re part of something very special here and we invite you to join us.

Thanks for your support and I hope to hear from those of you that can help us continue building KVSS.
Ross x